Our expertly curated selection of non alcoholic, low alcohol and alcohol free gin alternatives features the best of the best, all hand-selected by our team of experts at Dry Drinker. From established labels to artisanal distilleries, we offer a diverse range tailored to all preferences.
From classic botanicals to inventive flavours, our non-alcoholic and low alcohol Gin selection offers the perfect fit for your lifestyle. Whether you're unwinding at home or raising a glass with friends, get the same satisfaction without the alcohol content.
Choose from a variety of alcohol-free gin options, featuring both renowned names and emerging distilleries. With selections like CleanCo Clean G, New London Light Midnight Sun, Seedlip Garden 108 and Gordon's London Dry, your journey through our collection promises delightful exploration.
Enjoy your experience today and toast to moments of joy and choice.
Gin is a distilled spirit that is primarily made from juniper berries and other botanicals. It is known for its aromatic and flavorful qualities, often characterised by the presence of juniper and various other herbal, spice, and citrus notes. Gin is one of the most versatile spirits and is a key ingredient in numerous classic cocktails.
Non-alcoholic gin, often referred to as "alcohol-free gin" or "spirit alternative," is a drink designed to mimic the flavours and aromas of traditional gin while containing little to no alcohol. It offers an option for those who want to enjoy the botanical complexity of gin without the effects of alcohol.