Jump Ship Brewing Alcohol Free Beer

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Collection: Jump Ship Brewing Alcohol Free Beer

In a land of majestic landscapes and passionate beer enthusiasts, a fearless woman named Sonja embarked on a daring adventure.

About Jump Ship

A seasoned sailor, beer-lover, and devoted mother of three, Sonja bravely decided to abandon her marketing career and set sail towards a new horizon: Jump/Ship Brewing. The story behind this Edinburgh start-up began when searching for a beer that tasted like all the famous Scottish beers, but that didn't provide the fuzzy head the next day. Unable to find what she was looking for, Sonja was determined to create a non-alcoholic Scottish beer that had the same taste as its alcoholic counterparts.

Award Winning Scottish Beer

Jump Ship has seen incredible success since its launch. Yardarm lager was awarded  best non-alcoholic lager in the world at the World Beer Awards 2021, and they've won several Scottish Beer Awards and European Beer Challenge Awards!